Department of Food Engineering and Technology



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Welcome to Department of Food Engineering and Technology

The Department of Food Engineering and Technology (FETD) was established in then UDCT in 1943 offering Bachelor of Science (Tech) in Chemistry of Foods and Drugs. Later in 1949, a full-fledged B.Sc Tech. degree course in Food Technology was started. In 1963, again for the first time in the country, Masters program in Fermentation Technology was initiated and the department was christened ‘Food and Fermentation Technology Department’. In the 21st Century, after aligning all the graduate programs as 12+ 4 pattern, the department has focused on engineering as well. To keep up with the present times, the course in Fermentation Technology has been restructured as Food Biotechnology.

FETD also takes pride in playing a leading role in co-curricular as well extension activities at ICT and also through professional body, Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India) or AFST (I).

We are thankful to UGC for the Center of Advanced Studies Status (CAS-I) and continued support by way of Ph.D fellowships under the SAP program. Support from TEQIP too facilitated many students and faculty in attending conferences and showcasing their work. ICT has been active in instituting several merit-cum-means scholarship for the needy and meritorious undergraduate students.

The burgeoning student strength is placing severe constraints on our infrastructure. Generous donations from alumni and their organizations have helped us in renovating our labs and infrastructure considerably. Our state of the art conference room sponsored by Fine Organics Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, Prof. D. V. Rege Centre for Advanced Food Technology by HiMedia Laboratories Pvt Ltd, Thane, and renovation of labs through generous funding by our alumni, Shri Lalit Chadha and Dr. Anil Shrikhande, are some of the manifestations of unstinted support that we have been blessed to receive.

There are still some infrastructural gaps which we plan to bridge in the coming days. We seek financial help in the form of generous donations from all the well-wishers and alumni for the same, and also to strengthen our donation account through which we cater to the needs of the department, be it the maintenance of the equipments and instruments or other needs as are relevant to all the stake holders. We appeal to all concerned to extend their support in whatever way they can. We are also grateful to all our UG-PG students and support staff for being with us at all times and enriching our lives in numerous ways. We look forward to your continued support and long term association with us.

Present Scenario: The FETD comprises of the following human resources: No. of Students: Undergraduates- 70 Doctorates- 63 Masters- 45 No. of Faculty (in place): Professors- 2 Associate Professors- 1 Assistant Professor- 2

Vacancy: (3) Professor- 1 Associate Professor- 1

Supporting Staff: 7

Major Research Interests Thrust areas under CAS include:

1. Carbohydrate Chemistry &Technology      

  • Cereal science & technology
  • Chemistry & technology of traditional foods
  • Enzymology, enzyme applications, modification of enzymes
  • Food product/process development; instant food premixes
  • Food quality analysis
  • Fruits and vegetable processing

 2. Fermentation Technology& Food Biotechnology      

  • Fermented foods
  • Fermentative production and downstream processing of enzymes/metabolites
  • Nutraceuticals & natural pigments
  • Nutrigenomics
  • Plant tissue culture

Major Instrumental / Processing Facilities Infrastructure The FETD is well structured with equipments required for food processing that include extruders, retort processing unit, blast and fluidized freezer, pasta making machine, modified atmosphere packaging, dough sheeter, tray and IR dryer, fluidized bed dryer, fermentor, high pressure homogenizer, ultrasonic processor, RO and ultrafiltration unit, spray dryer, and twin screw extruder. The FETD also houses many analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPTLC, GC, GC-MS spectrophotometers, Hunter lab colorimeter, image analyzer, Brookfield rheometer, texturimeter, Haake viscometer, electrophoresis unit, protein purification system, PCR thermal cyclers, RT-PCR, and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC).

In Last Five Years Major Grants: UGC, TEQIP, RGSTC, MOFPI, ICAR, DBT, DAE, AICTE, DST.

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Vision, Mission & PEOs

Department of Food Engineering and Technology


Establishing a center of excellence to provide demand-driven, value-based and quality technical education to make India a developed country through socio-economic transformation

Mission Statements

M1: Creating an atmosphere to deliver fundamental knowledge in Food Engineering and Technology for the students to fulfil the need of all segments of society and the environment.

M2: Starting from the classroom teaching and simultaneously creating a multi-disciplinary platform capable of conducting research, technology development, and solving industrial challenges.

M3: Providing leadership and training personnel for the benefit of the industry and society complying with overall activity towards the economic growth of the country.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for B.Tech Food Engineering and Technology

PEO1- Successful Career: Graduates from the programme will have successful careers in food and allied industries at various levels of management

PEO2- Higher Study: Graduates from the programme will pursue higher study related to food engineering and technology and allied disciplines in premier institutions across the world and make a career in academics or research

PEO3- Multi-disciplinary Skills: Graduates from the programme will work in a multi-disciplinary environment in the domain of food technology.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for M.Tech Food Engineering and Technology

PEO1- Successful Career: Post-graduates from the programme will have successful technical or professional careers in food industry

PEO2- Higher Study: Post-graduates from the programme will continue to do research related to food engineering and technology in top institutes across the world

PEO3- Lifelong Learning: Post-graduates from the programme will continue to learn and adopt in a world of constantly evolving technology in the domain of food engineering and technology

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) for M.Tech Food Biotechnology

PEO1- To impart education in a new area of specialization viz., Food Biotechnology to enable students to work in areas such as food fermentations, applications of enzymes in food processing, food product development, nutraceuticals, nutritional and functional foods, nutrigenomics etc. and to help them formulate solutions to meet the needs of the consumers and the industry.

PEO2- The interdisciplinary nature of the course prompts intake of students from mixed disciplines creating the need to bring students from varying academic backgrounds to a common platform of understanding through courses structured to meet this need.

PEO3- To provide a strong base of knowledge to students in this interdisciplinary field to transform them into good professionals who can function with confidence in their chosen workplace and contribute to the growth of the organization employing them.

PEO4- To motivate and enable students to opt for higher levels of learning viz. doctoral programs by research in this interdisciplinary field with the view of developing highly skilled professionals to work in Industry and academia.

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