Image Undergraduate Summer Internship              


Established on October 1, 1933 as University Department of Chemical Technology (popularly called UDCT) of the University of Bombay (now Mumbai), with the noble intention of advancing India’s knowledge reserves in chemical science and technology, the Institute has grown to become a premier (deemed) university devoted to education, training, research and industrial collaboration in chemical engineering, chemical technology, applied chemistry, pharmacy, biotechnology and bio-processing. The then UDCT grew in stature over the years and was granted partial autonomy by the University of Mumbai in 1985, which was taken to the next echelon under the concept of autonomy propagated by the University Grants Commission (UGC). Due to its size and spread of activities, it was converted into University Institute of Chemical Technology (UICT) on 26th January, 2002 and under the TEQIP of the World Bank it was granted full autonomy in 2004. Upon strong recommendation of the UGC through a peer review process, the autonomous institute status was finally converted in to a Deemed-to-be-University by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, on 12 September 2008. Seven convocations have so far taken place in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, 2017 and 2018.


What people say

Our Clients
Dr. Ajit Sapre Group President (Research and Technology) Reliance Technology Group

ICT (formerly known as UDCT) is a world renowned academic institution very well known for imparting quality education in Chemical Engineering and allied disciplines. It has a rich heritage of accomplishments consistently sustained for last many decades. This institution which was founded in 1933 at Mumbai, has produced scores of alumni who have contributed to the industrial growth of our nation over the years in a big way.

Our Clients
Dr. Ram Sabnis 1120 Lyndhurst Way Roswell, GfA 30075 USA

ICT is a prestigious institution in the field of chemical technology. Professors are extraordinary and many are recipients of the honorable Padma awards. The faculty, facilities and education provided are world-class that encourage students to mold themselves into future leaders/entrepreneurs and gives them the opportunity of discovering their true technical/management potentials. By combining some of the brightest young minds, ICT offers a unique atmosphere that fosters innovation, creativity, and research.

Our Clients
Professor Keshavan Niranjan University of Reading, Whiteknights (UK)

It would be hard to find an institution in the world like ICT whose legacy is its long-standing research culture that is so much driven by ideas and industry involvement. Even teaching and training occurs in this research driven environment. ICT has not just been an incubator for researchers but also for extremely successful entrepreneurs. Long may this continue!

Our Clients
Dr. Mukund Shankar Chorghade Associate of the Department of Chemistry Cambridge MA 02138

ICT is an institution par excellence renowned globally for scholarly pursuits and commitment to quality education, sophisticated research at the highest international levels aimed at pushing the boundaries of knowledge sans frontiers. The community of scholars, students and alumni demonstrate academic, intellectual and professional achievements that showcase institution and country.

Our Clients
Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali Chairman and Chief Executive Heavy Water Board, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai – 400 094. Pune

Internationally reputed, and one among the top 10 academic institutions in the country, ICT is a flagship chemical engineering Institute of eminence with outstanding contributions in the domain of chemical sciences, technology and products. ICT has produced excellent chemical engineers who have contributed to the nation building by establishing industries, educational institutions and R&D centres.

Our Clients
Dr. Vivek V. Ranade Professor School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Research Centre in Sustainable Energy Queens University, Belfost United Kingdom

Institute of Chemical Technology (erstwhile UDCT) has served as a fountainhead of chemical engineering and chemical technology expertise in India.
ICT alumni have made magnificent contributions to chemical engineering science and practice. ICT continuously builds on that rich tradition and provides state of the art education of chemical engineering and technology in a unique UDCT way.

Our Clients
Professor Ajay K. Dalai Professor of Chemical Engineering  and Canada Research University of Saskatchewan SK Canada

ICT Mumbai is a vibrant University for high quality engineering education and research. The research infrastructure such as DBT Bioenergy Centre, led by Professor Lali, and learning environment are outstanding. The research output and impact are world class. The administration, led by Professor Yadav and faculty-student interactions at ICT are most friendly and efficient and the student’s placement is of high quality. I am proud to visit and interact with this world class institution for the past 10 years.

Our Clients
Shri Dilip Udas Distinguished Alumnus Vice President - UAA 

ICT today ranks among the top Chemical Engineering/Technology schools in Asia. What makes ICT unique is the close association of the Chemical Technology and the Chemical Engineering courses, faculties, and the students. With Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Perfumery Chemistry also being taught the All Important "Multidisciplinary Approach" to problem solving comes naturally to students and faculties." I hope you agree.

Our Clients
Professor Ramani Narayan Michigan State University,

My views/comments on ICT:  “During my 30 year career as an MSU faculty and entrepreneur, I have interacted and worked with students and institutions world-wide, and can unequivocally state that ICT’s chemical engineering undergraduates are the  best in class in the world, and ICTs research contributions exemplary”  

Our Clients
Dr. Jeewan Prakash Gupta Chairman Environmental Impact Assessment, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India , New Delhi

I am extremely happy to be associated with Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) Mumbai as Adjunct Professor with invitation from
Padmashree Professor (Dr) Ganapati D. Yadav who is internationally recognized by many prestigious and rare awards, fellowships and honours for his contributions to education, research and innovation. ICT since 1933 has a glorious history of 85 years, and produced many industrialists, academics, bureaucrats, Padma awardees, secretaries to Government Departments, directors of CSIR labs and over 500 first generation entrepreneurs. I am honored with this invitation and will achieve excellence in education & research in Environment and Process Safety to help in reducing accidents in industry.

Our Clients
Professor Inmaculada Ortiz Department of Chemical Engineering and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cantabria, Spain

I’ll try to write the sentence I visited ICT Several years ago to attend a meeting of the colaborative project GreenTech together with our colleagues from the University of Oulu in Finland. We were impressed by the excelent organization, the involvement of the staf on the project discusions and the Quality of the presentations. ICT showed very good prospects to take a leader role in the International community of Chemical Engineering.

Our Clients
Dr. C. Anandharamakrishnan Director, Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology Thanjavur Tamil Nadu, India.

ICT is the national leader in chemical technology and is globally recognized for cutting-edge high-impact research meeting the demands of the industry.
I wish the entire team under your dynamic leadership to have great success in the coming years!

Our Clients
Dr. Raghavarao K. S. M. S. Director − Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) Mysuru

Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai is the Mecca of Chemical Technology, in particular to Chemical Engineering. It has been headed by Legends with exemplary qualities. It is an honor to get associated with it as Adjunct Professor. I will be happy to actively participate in HRD programs of ICT, Mumbai.

Our Clients
Dr. Sanjeev S. Tambe Former Head Chemical Engineering division  NCL Pune

It is an honor to write about ICT.  It is as follows. "Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) is one of the Indian universities that are highly regarded globally.  Its graduate and undergraduate educational programs in Chemical Engineering and Technology and other specialized chemical fields are strong and innovative in terms of academic rigor, and original research. ICT alumni are well-known for their entrepreneurial acumen and have founded, and mentored several reputed companies in India and abroad.   The ICT faculty is highly respected for the scholarship and research. The institute also has a unique distinction that currently and over several decades in the past it has been mentored and steered by outstanding and dynamic researchers and academicians of international repute. "

Our Clients
Professor D. C. Kothari Former Professor Department of Physics University of Mumbai

When I wanted to list institutes from world-over which focus on developing industry-relevant technologies in various sectors ranging from Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Dyes, Oils, Materials, Polymer, Textile, Food, Energy, Biotechnology etc, the only institute which came to my mind was ICT, Mumbai.
ICT has a unique place in the world.