Dr. Shamlan M. S. Reshamwala

Scientist D, Center of Energy Biosciences

Email ID : ss.reshamwala[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2318

Reseach Area : • Over expression and secretion of recombinant proteins • Enzyme engineering for improved catalysis and robustness • Utilization of cheap feedstocks for biosynthesis of transportation fuels and fine chemicals • Bioprospecting to explore metabolic diversity in environmental niches • Techno-economic valuation • Pedagogy and active learning • IP policy
Research Publications : 11
Patents granted: 1

Dr. Rama Iyer

Associate Professor (Contractual), Humanities and Management Sciences

Email ID : r.iyer[@]faculty.ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Stress management, Conflict Management, Change Management, Consumer Buying Behaviour, Workplace Spirituality, Interface of Science , Technology and Society

Prof. Samir Kulkarni

Professor- Head, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Email ID : sr.kulkarni[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2301

Reseach Area : Biopharmaceuticals, Monoclonal Antibodies, Cancer BioTherapeutics, Bioprocessing, Biofuels, Bioconversion

Dr. Ratnesh Jain

UGC Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Email ID : rd.jain[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2029

Reseach Area : Biomaterials, Engineering of polymeric, and metalnanoparticles for biomedical applications like cancer, infectious diseases, and vaccines. Polymeric Scaffolds and Tissue engineering, Molecular Imaging for preclinical applications, biomedical devices

Research Students:

Ph.D.: Ongoing - 9, Completed : 5 Masters: Ongoing - 5, Completed : 18 Research Publications: 71 patents: 10

Dr. Hitesh S Pawar

Scientist D, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Email ID : hs.pawar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : -Applied and Engineering Chemistry -Catalysis for Bio-refinery -Bio-fuels from waste -Development of waste treatment technologies -Process integration and intensification -Development of waste water treatment technologies -Chromatographic separation and purification -Homogeneous, heterogeneous and photo catalysis

Dr. Chandrakant Ramnath Holkar

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Email ID : cr.holkar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2233612317

Reseach Area : Sustainable Waste Management, Life Cycle Assessment, Carbon Footprint, Textile wastewater, Microbial Fuel Cell, Valorization of Agricultural waste, Bitumen, Polymer modified Bitumen

Dr. Ananda Jaysing Jadhav

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Email ID : aj.jadhav[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2233612316

Reseach Area : Chemical engineering, Waste Valorisation, Nanomaterials, Sustainable and environmental engineering, Bulk nanobubble, Multiphase systems, Computational fluid dynamics, Flow Visualization, Life Cycle Assessment, Sonochemistry: Nano-materials, Process Intensification, Colloid and Interface Science

Dr. Gunjan Prakash

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Email ID : g.prakash[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2316

Reseach Area : • Genetic manipulation of algal species for increasing the photosynthetic efficiency and development of robust algal strains by manipulation of stress responsive genes, Secondary metabolite production • Industrial Fermentation
Research Students : Ph.D Sci.- 3, M.Tech.-5
Research Publications : 9 (so far) Conference Proceedings- 17 (so far)
Patents : National- 1(this year)

Dr. Manju Bishan Sharma

Scientist D, Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Email ID : mb.sharma[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2315

Reseach Area : Biofuel & bioenergy: waste to fuel (Biogas from biowastes) & bio-based chemicals, Waste valorisation, Consortium design & microbiome studies,Enzyme production, purification & characterization,Proteomics Biotechnology & Microbiology Research Publications : International-6 (so far), Book Chapter-1; Conference Proceedings: 16 (so far)

Mrs. Sonal P Dhatrak

System Administrator, Infomation Processing Center

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area :

Prof. Aniruddha Bhalchandra Pandit

Vice Chancellor, UGC Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2233611001

Reseach Area : Physical and Chemical Processing applications of Cavitation phenomena, Sonochemistry, Ballast Water Treatment, Study of opportunities in industrial wastewater treatment and its reuse applications, Synthesis of chelating agents for wastewater treatment, Mixing in Mechanically agitated contactors: Experimental and CFD Investigations, Design of nozzles for hydrodynamic cavitation: Experimental and CFD Investigations, Modeling of Stoves, Optimization of cooking devices, Polymer Degradation, Cellulose Dissolution, Use of non-conventional energy sources, Development of novel ceramics from waste, Synthesis of Nanomaterials (organic-inorganic), Pyrolysis of biomass for value-added products, Application of biochar for improving soil fertility, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Studies, Portable device for detection of heavy metal, bacteria and water contaminants, Biotechnology: Microbial disinfection using hydrodynamic cavitation, Protein modification, Cell disruption, Selective recovery of intracellular biomolecules at the cell disruption stage, Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNP) for enzyme immobilization, Microbial fuel cell, Portable microscope for diagnosis and educational purposes, Degumming enzyme development for textile industry. Research Students: Ph.D.: Completed - 61, Ongoing - 11 Masters: Completed - 94, Ongoing - 6 Research Publications:427 Citations: 21727(as per Scopus on 12-07-2022) h-index : 81 (as per Scopus on 12-07-2022) Patents (granted - applications filed): 34 Conferences: 160 Seminars: 190

Prof. Anand V Patwardhan

Head of Department, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2019

Reseach Area : (1) Membrane separation (separation and recovery of organic chemicals and metals from organic and aqueous streams; pollution control; development of ceramic membranes) (2) Green Technology (ionic liquids for solvent extraction and reactions; value-added chemicals from non-edible oils; greener organic chemical process development) (3) Bioprocess Technology (synthesis of chemicals and microbial colorants / pigments) Research Students: Ph.D.: Completed - 8, Ongoing - 8 Masters: Completed - 35, Ongoing - 3 Research Publications: 54

Prof. Ashwin W. Patwardhan

Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : aw.patwardhan[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 33612018

Reseach Area : Transport Phenomena, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Liquid Extraction, Multiphase Reactors Mixing Research Students: Ph.D.: Completed - 31, Ongoing - 5 Masters: Completed - 53, Ongoing - 2 Research Publications: 126

Prof. Bhaskar Narayan Thorat

Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : bn.thorat[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2022

Reseach Area : Research Students - 108 ( 19 Ongoing) Ph.D.: Completed - 36 Masters: Completed - 69 Post Doctorate Completed - 7 (2 Ongoing) Publications: 161 Patents: 5

Dr. C. S. Mathpati

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : cs.mathpati[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Computational Fluid Dynamics, Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Design of Multiphase Reactors, Process Modeling and Simulation, High temperature corrosion, Application of liquid jets in chemical processing, Hydrodynamics of packed and fluidized beds

Prof. G.D.Yadav

FTWAS, FNA, FNASc,FRSC (UK), FIChemE (UK), FIIChE, Emeritus Professor of Eminence and Former Vice Chancellor and R.T. Mody Distinguished Professor J.C. Bose National Fellow (Govt. of India), Chemical Engineering

Email ID : gd.yadav[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 1111

Reseach Area : Green Chemistry; Engineering and Technology; Catalytic Science and Engineering; Chemical Engineering, Nanomaterials and Nanocatalysis; Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering; Energy Engineering and Sustainable Processes

Prof. J. B. Joshi

Professor Emeritus - JCBOse fellow, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : jbjoshi[@]gmail.com

Extention No. : 2106

Reseach Area : • Fluid Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics,
• Design of Multiphase Reactors, Absorption of NOx Gases,
• Renewable Energy Resources

Research Students:
Ph.D.: Completed - 80, Ongoing - 10
Masters: Completed - 59
Research Publications: 480
Patents: 5 (All active)

Mrs. K. V. Marathe

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : kv.marathe[@]ictmumbai.eud.in

Extention No. : 2016

Reseach Area : • Membrane separations,Effluent treatment
• Membrane Bioreactor, Electrochemical Membrane Bioreactor
• Sustainability Assessment, Lifecycle Assessment
• Hydrometallurgical Extraction, Corrosion
• Development of new materials, Metal composite

Research Students:
Ph.D.: Complete - 2, Ongoing 3 Masters: Completed - 27, Ongoing - 2
Research Publications: 24

Prof. Lakshmi Kantam Mannepalli

DR. B. P. Godrej Distinguished Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : lk.mannepalli[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2015

Reseach Area : Homogeneous Catalysis, Heterogeneous Catalysis, Nanomaterials Materials & Process Developement, Green Chemistry

Dr. Manish D. Yadav

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 33612034

Reseach Area : Nanotechnology, Nanostructured Materials and Composites, Chemical Reaction Engineering

Dr. P. R. Gogate

Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : pr.gogate[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2024

Reseach Area : • Sonochemistry, Hydrodynamic Cavitation,
• Process Intensification, Water and Wastewater Treatment,
• Enzymatic Reactions, Polymer Chemistry

Research Students:

Ph.D.: Ongoing 10
Masters: Completed - 27, Ongoing - 8
Research Publications: 220

Dr. Parag R Nemade

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : pr.nemade[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 33612027

Reseach Area : The research interests are broadly focused on the development, characterization, and application of advanced materials, especially nanomaterials and graphene derivatives, for catalytic, environmental, and electrochemical applications.b /br 1.Membrane development: My research group work on membranes focuses on developing mixed-matrix membranes that incorporate graphene oxide (GO) and other hydrophilic additives to enhance water permeability, antifouling properties, and contaminant selectivity. We work on integrating functionalized graphene materials into membranes for high-performance applications such as nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and dye removal, addressing critical challenges in treating seawater, brackish water, and industrial wastewater. A key aspect of our work is overcoming the flux-rejection trade-off, where increased permeability often compromises rejection efficiency. We aim to enhance stability in aqueous environments, ensure long-term operational reliability, and achieve superior performance in diverse water treatment applications. 2.Green catalysis and photocatalysis: Our research emphasizes the synthesis of functionalized graphene oxide and advanced nanocomposites for catalytic applications, including oxidation and heterocyclization. A primary focus lies in exploring reaction mechanisms and enhancing catalyst recyclability under mild and sustainable conditions. Additionally, efforts are directed toward intensifying photocatalysis for environmental remediation by developing metal-doped and heterojunction photocatalysts for the efficient degradation of dyes, pollutants, and chromium reduction. Material modifications are employed to optimize photocatalytic performance under solar and UV light, contributing to sustainable chemical processes and addressing environmental pollution challenges. 3.Sustainable materials development: We also work valorization of biomass, such as waste banana pseudo stems, highly invasive water hyacinth, to produce bioactive compounds, cellulose derivatives, and efficient adsorbents. Efforts include synthesizing hydrophobic cellulose-based materials for applications in oil-water separation, packaging, and stain-resistant fabrics. The work emphasizes circular economy principles and sustainable waste biomass management, promoting eco-friendly solutions and resource efficiency. Additionally, we fabricate multifunctional materials with emphasis on improving hydrophilicity, structural strength, and environmental resistance for use in effluent treatment, desalination, and separation processes, contributing to innovative and sustainable solutions for environmental and industrial challenges.4.Advanced adsorption technologies: Our research group have developed high-capacity adsorbents, such as graphene-based sponges and covalent triazine frameworks, for the removal of heavy metals like Cr(VI) and dye pollutants. Their work includes a detailed investigation of adsorption kinetics and mechanisms, emphasizing electrostatic interactions and ion exchange to optimize performance and efficiency. 5.Nanostructured materials for energy storage: We have designed hyperbranched graphene-based electrodes, waste tyre char, cellulosic composites for supercapacitors, enhancing charge storage capacity and cycle stability. Structural modifications are explored to optimize ion mobility and reduce resistance, improving the efficiency and performance of energy storage systems. The central theme of the research is to leverage novel material designs and sustainable practices to address critical challenges in environmental management, clean energy, and resource efficiency.

Dr. Prakash D. Vaidya

Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : pd.vaidya[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2014

Reseach Area : Biomass conversions; Carbon capture and recycling; Wastewater treatment

Prof. S. S. Bhagwat

Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : ss.bhagwat[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2011

Reseach Area : Interfacial Science and Engineering, Energy and Exergy Engineering, Computer Process Simulation. Artificial Neural Networks

Dr. Sachin Jadhav

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : sv.jadhav[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2032

Reseach Area : Environmental Engineering, Sustainability Analysis, Advanced Separation processes, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Nanomaterials Synthesis and their Applications, Waste Valorization, Process Dynamics and Control, Process Modeling and Simulation, Drying Technology, Life Cycle Assessment

Prof. V. K. Rathod

Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2020

Reseach Area : • Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions, Biodiesel Preparation and Separation
• Separation Processes, Extraction of Natural Ingredients and Synthesis of Perfumes and Flavours,
• Separation of Biomolecules, Wastewater Treatment

Research Students:
Ph.D.: Completed - 26, Ongoing - 15
Masters: Completed - 91, Ongoing - 12
Research Publications: 201

Prof. Vilas Gajanan Gaikar

Bharat Petroleum Distinguished Professor in Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : vg.gaikar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 33612013

Reseach Area : Biodiesel and Thermochemical conversions of Biomass, Process Intensification by M i c r o w a v e , Soft Condensed Matter, Reactive Adsorptive Separations and Molecular Design of Functionalized Polymers, Interfacial Science and Engineering, Clean Technology and Organic Synthesis in Aqueous Solutions, Synthesis of nanoparticles, Photochemical reduction of CO2
Research Students:
Ph.D.: Completed -49, Ongoing - 2
Masters: Completed -79, Ongoing - 4
Post Doctoral Fellow:2
Research Publications: 183
Number of patents: 11
seminar: 250+
Conference: 150+
Citations : 3607(Google Scholar); 2667(Scopus)
h-index : 32
i10-index : 87

Dr. Vishwanath Haily Dalvi

R.A. Mashelkar Assistant Professor in Chem. Engg., Chemical Engineering

Email ID : vh.dalvi[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2031

Reseach Area : • Molecular Simulations, Process Simulations,
• Solar Thermal Systems, Energy Engineering,
• Environmental Engineering

Research Students:

Ph.D.: Ongoing - 2 (co-guide) Masters: Completed -4, Ongoing - 3
Research Publications: 7 Number of patents: 2 Citations : 143 h-index : 4 i10-index : 3

Dr. Yogesh H. Shinde

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : yh.shinde[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Waste Valorization, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Multiphase Reactor Design, Bioenergy, Life Cycle Assessment, Solar Energy

Dr. Mandar P. Badve

Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering

Email ID : mp.badve[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Foam dynamics and rheology, Process intensification, Wastewater treatment, Fermentation, Biocatalysis

Dr. Ajit Kumar

Professor- Head, Mathematics

Email ID : a.kumar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2681

Reseach Area : • Optimization and Statistical Techniques, • Differential Geometry & Analysis • Mathematical Pedagogy, • Use of Computer Aided Tools and Mathematical Software in Mathematics. Publications: (peer reviewed) so far : 1
Conference proceedings/papers : 6 Seminars /Lectures/ Or ations delivered : 30 Post graduate Thesis supervision during 2012-13: 01 Highlights of research work done and its impart (maximum two singlespaced pages with figures/diagrams etc.): My current area of interest is in the fled of Optimization Techniques, Statistical Techniques, Numerical Method and Mathematical Pedagogy. Although my doctoral thesis was in the area of Differential Geometry, I have not been able to work further in this area due to the nature of my current teaching assignments. However, this has provided me opportunity to developed newer interests. I plan to continue to focus these areas and get deeply involved. I also have significant experiences in using mathematical software and programming languages which are very important especially in these areas of mathematics. I wish to explore the water resources management programmes where optimization and statistical techniques such as stochastic optimization, and distribution free techniques etc. can play a significance role. I believe not much has been done in India in this area and there is a lot of scope, especially when the county is facing a lot of challenges. Mathematical software have potential to facilitate an active approach to learning, to allow students to become involved in discovery and to consolidate their own knowledge, thus developing conceptual and geometrical understanding and a deeper approach to learning. Emergence of such mathematical tools and its ability to deal with most of the undergraduate mathematics cannot be ignored by mathematics educators. While use of computer technologies in many countries in teaching and learning mathematics have made a significant impact at all levels, use of such tools in mathematics teaching at all levels is in its infancy in India. So much so, that many mathematics teachers are not even aware of existence of such tools. My aim is to create awareness about innovative use of Mathematical Software among mathematics teachers across the country. I also wish to create a pool of teachers who can create innovative teaching modules, constantly regular update mathematics teachers knowledge and work as catalyst. We can also create an institution which can take care teachers training programme at all level and use of (Information and communication Technology) ICT will be in its forefront. I have been involved with the Mathematics Training and Talent Search (MTTS) programme for last several years in the various capacities. I believe that this programme has benefited a lot of students including me and has made a significant impact on mathematical science in India.

Dr. Amiya Ranjan Bhowmick

Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Email ID : ar.bhowmick[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2685

Reseach Area : Growth Curve Models, Ecological Modelling, Stochastic Population Dynamics, Mathematical Statistics

Dr. Vikram AIthal

Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Email ID : vt.aithal[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area :

Dr. Akshay Sakharam Rane

UGC-FRP Asst Prof, Mathematics

Email ID : as.rane[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area :

Dr. Gunvant A. Birajdar

Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Email ID : ga.birajdar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Fractional Calculus, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Modeling

Prof. R. S. N. Sahai

Head of Department, General Engineering

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2759

Reseach Area : Polymer Composites, Nanocomposites and its application in Mechanical Engineering, Mould Design, Mechanical Engineering Students Guided: Guided: Ph.D. : 4 M.E: 22 Ongoing: Ph.D. 6 M.E: 2

Prof. V.R. GAVAL

Professor, General Engineering

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2756

Reseach Area : Research interests Polymer blend and Composites Tribology, Solar Energy, Conversion of parts from Metals to Plastics
Research Students PhD(Tech) -13 (ONGOING)
M.E.(Plastics engg) -07(ONGOING)
Research publications: International-45 National-1
Conference proceedings/ papers : 12
Masters Awarded as single: 43
PhD in Mechanical Engineering Awarded as single: 8
Govt. Projects : 01 (ongoing)
Private Projects : 01(Ongoing)
Patents ( national) : 2 Granted , 1 Filed

Prof. D. D. Sarode

Professor, General Engineering

Email ID : dd.sarode[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2751

Reseach Area : • Concrete Technology • Construction Chemicals • Composite Materials • Geotechnical Engineering Water and wastewater treatment Membrane technology Forward Osmosis Agricultural waste treatment Solid waste management Recovery and reuse of solid and liquid industrial and agricultural waste

Prof. Suresh Pandurang Deshmukh

Professor, General Engineering

Email ID : sp.deshmukh[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2776

Reseach Area : Plastic composites | Polymeric additives | Engineering Materials | Energy Engineering | Solar Energy | Analysis of Plastics using CAD/ CAE | Renewable energy | Heat transfer

Research Students: Ph.D.(Tech.): On-going: 11; Completed: 07 || M.E. (Plastic Engg): On-going: 03; Completed: 23
Research Publications: International: 60 || National: 7 || Conferences: 25 || Book Chapters: 1
Sponsored Projects Government: 01
Industry Consultancy Projects: 02

Shri. M. A. K. Kerawalla

Associate Professor, General Engineering

Email ID : mak.kerawalla[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2758

Reseach Area : Power Electronics applications in Power systems analysis

Dr. P. Goswami

Associate Professor, General Engineering

Email ID : p.goswami[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2757

Reseach Area : Sustainable Energy and Environment, Power systems MALAB simulations

Dr. Sachin Solanke

Assistant Professor, General Engineering

Email ID : sg.solanke[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Material Engineering, Composite material, Tribology, Plasma coating, Bioimplant Material

Dr. Deepankar Biswas

Assistant Professor, General Engineering

Email ID : db.biswas[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2784

Reseach Area : Renewable energy | Solar Thermal | Heat Exchanger | Heat transfer | Polymer Composites

Research Students: Ph.D.(Tech.): On-going: Nil; Completed: Nil || M.E. (Plastic Engg): On-going: Nil; Completed: Nil
Research Publications: International: 4 || National: 3 || h-index: 04, Citations: 15


Assistant Professor, General Engineering

Email ID : vs.korpale[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Plastic Product Design, Design of machineries and related computational methods, computational fluid dynamics and development of equipment

Dr. Satyajit Saha

UGC Assistant Professor, Speciality Chemicals Technology

Email ID : ss.saha[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2233612709

Reseach Area : Synthetic organic chemistry and mechanistic investigations, Synthesis of biologically important heterocyclic molecules, Multi-component reactions, Domino reactions, Asymmetric Catalysis (Metal and Non-Metal), Material Chemistry (Synthesis of functional molecules and their applications as sensors, dyes, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, OLED’s, Green Chemistry, etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opportunity for candidates who have qualified ICT entrance examination to join our group for Ph.D programme. Interested students who have qualified NET (CSIR/UGC) may contact for a possible Ph.D. position. Interested students applying for N-PDF, Kothari Fellowship, WOSA etc may also contact.

Dr. Surajit Some

UGC Assistant Professor, Speciality Chemicals Technology

Email ID : sr.some[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2710

Reseach Area : Material Chemistry. Synthesis of graphene derivatives and their applications: Semiconductor materials, Energy storage materials, Flame retardant, Bio-probes, Sensors, Anticancer materials, Surfactants, Advanced catalysts. _________________________________________ NET(CSIR/UGC) qualified students may contact for Ph.D. positions.

Dr. Nabanita Sadhukhan

UGC Assistant Professor, Speciality Chemicals Technology

Email ID : nn.sadhukhan[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2711

Reseach Area : Synthesis of speciality molecules (Organic and Inorganic) for Biological Application ............................................... Position open for JRF, Inspire Fellow for Ph.D. Program ...................................................

Prof. Ganapati Subray Shankarling

Professor, Speciality Chemicals Technology

Email ID : gs.shankarling[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2708

Reseach Area : Research Interests: Functional colorants for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC), Colorants for Non-Linear Optics (NLO), Colorants for Thermochromic and photochromic, laser, Security application, Colorants for biological and medicinal fields, Synthesis of Fluorescent Dyes and Process Chemistry, Flavor and Perfumery Chemistry, Green Chemistry and Technology mainly development of environmentally benign synthetic procedure for organic synthesis. High Performance Pigments Preparation and application of ionic liquids for organic synthesis Carbon dioxide fixation into valuable chemicals
Research Students : Ph.D. (Tech.) - 1, Ph.D. (Sci) - 16 M.Tech. - 09
Research Publications: International - 23 National - 02 Peer-reviewed- 25
Number of patents: International - 12 Indian – 09
Sponsored Projects : Government- 02 Private- 03

Prof. Nagaiyan Sekar

Professor- Head, Speciality Chemicals Technology

Email ID : n.sekar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2701

Reseach Area : Research Interest Computational Color Chemistry, Sensitizers for DSSC, NLOphoric Chromophores, Fused Heterocyclic Systems, Laser Dyes, NIR active colorants for Diagnostics/Theranostics, High Performance Textile Colorants, Process Development, Color and Music
Research Students: P.D.F. - 01, Ph.D. (Tech.) - 01 Ph.D. (Sci) - 32 , M.Tech. - 06
Research Publications: International - 542, Peer-reviewed - 18 Conference proceeding - 21
Books chapter: 04
Patents : Indian – 07 Filed
Sponsored Projects : Government- 06, Private- 02

Dr. Ashok R. Athalye

Head of Department, Fibres & Textile Processing Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2811

Reseach Area : 1. Reduce water & carbon footprints for sustainable textile wet processing 2. Improve level dyeing property of fibres derived from a renewable source 3. Immobilize Enzymes for cost-effective applications 4. Enhance digital colouration & effect finishing 5. Microencapsulate sensory perceptive clothing 6. Process optimization in technical textiles, especially Mobiletech 7. Modify nonwoven coatings for Meditech & hygiene protection 8. Develop Smart Textiles by cost-competitive route 9. Develop structurally coloured textiles 10. Widen the scope of use of colourants, surfactants in Paper & Leather processing

Prof. Ravindra V. Adivarekar

Professor, Fibres & Textile Processing Technology

Email ID : rv.adivarekar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2811

Reseach Area : Natural Dyes and Mordants; Fibre Modification; Regeneration of protein and its applications; Respiratory filtration; Extraction of lignin and its applications; Nanocellulose; Superabsorbent; Dyeing and Printing of Textile; Mass Production and extraction of Microbial Enzymes and Colourants for Textile Processing; Medical Textile; Colour fastness of Textile Materials; Detergency of Textiles, Ionic liquids, and Dendrimers for Textiles, etc. Research Students : Guided: Ph.D.- 22, Masters- 55 Ongoing: Ph.D.- 12, Masters- 08 Research Publications: International: 104 National: 74 Patents: 02 h-Index: 18 Citations: 1091 Conference Proceedings Paper Presentations: 50

Prof. Ravindra D. Kale

Professor, Fibres & Textile Processing Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2801

Reseach Area : • Effluent treatment using nano particles • Application of nanoemulsions in Textiles • Green synthesis and application of nanoparticles • Use of Polyelectrolytes Multilayers for imparting Novel Properties to Textile Polymers • Green Composites • Self Reinforced Composites • Biodegradable packaging films and foams • Functional Finishes for Natural & Synthetic Fibres • Processing of Polyester fibres at room temperature • Modification of Synthetic Fibres by Melt Spinning, • Hydrophilic polyester using natural biopolymers

Dr. Kedar Kulkarni

Associate Professor, Fibres & Textile Processing Technology

Email ID : ks.kulkarni[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2812

Reseach Area : natural dyeing, effluent treatment, polymer recycling, textile auxiliaries,

Dr. Sandeep More

Assistant Professor, Fibres & Textile Processing Technology

Email ID : sp.more[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2810

Reseach Area : Synthesis of Azaacenes for organic electronics. Porphyrin derivatives for smart dyes. Ecofriendly textile processing. Smart textile. Molecular machines on textile surface.

Dr. Pallavi S. Badhe

Assistant Professor, Fibres & Textile Processing Technology

Email ID :

Extention No. : 222820

Reseach Area : Industrial Biotechnology, Speciality Chemicals, Studies on Bioactive Finishing agents and its applications, Antioxidant Finishing, Immobilization of Enzymes, Role of nanoparticles on textiles effluents etc.

Dr. Saptarshi Maiti

Assistant Professor (Contractual), Fibres & Textile Processing Technology

Email ID : sa.maiti[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2818

Reseach Area : Graphene and its applications in textiles, Dendritic polymers, Protein extraction from waste resources, Natural dyeing and Green processing of Textiles, and Statistical Modelling in Textiles.

Dr. Santosh Shivaji Biranje

Assistant Professor, Fibres & Textile Processing Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Sustainable textile chemistry, Nanocellulose, Biomaterials, Fibre reinforced composites, Medical textile, Bioconjugation of biopolymer, 3D Bio-printing, Electrospinning, Lyophilization.

Prof. Uday S. Annapure

Head of Department, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 33612507

Reseach Area : Cold Plasma for food processing, Plant Gums- Chemistry and Technology, Extrusion processing – process and product development, Drying and dehydration of foods, Frying - chemistry and technology, Nutraceuticals – chemistry, technology and product development, Carbohydrates - chemistry and technology of minor grains and tubers, Traditional foods, Product and technology development, Enzyme applications in food processing, Downstream processing of enzymes, antioxidants, antibiotics and biomolecules

Prof. Rekha S. Singhal

Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2501

Reseach Area : Food quality, Food chemistry, Biopolymers, Lipid chemistry and technology, Food product development, Food processing, Fermentative production and downstream processing of biomolecules, Traditional foods.

Research students

Ph.D. (completed) - 42
Masters (completed) – 108
Ph.D. (ongoing) – 12
Masters (ongoing) – 12

Research publications

International - 410
International (this year)- 16
National - 8
Conference Proceedings - 2
Book chapters - 42

Patents 0 granted and 2 applied

Sponsored projects

Government – 3 (ongoing)
Government – 3 (completed)
Private – 2(completed) 1 (ongoing)

Prof. Smita S. Lele

Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : ss.lele[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 1016

Reseach Area : Food product/process development, Microalgal metabolites, Enzyme production from indigenous strains, Biological effluent treatments, Fruit and vegetable based dehydrated and nutritious product development.

Research students

Ph.D. (completed)–19
Masters (completed) – 54
Ph.D. (ongoing) – 14
Masters (ongoing) –7

Research publications

International - 81
International (this year) - 16
Conference Proceedings - 32
Book - 1
General Articles - 1

Patents 7(applied)

Sponsored projects

Government – 9 (completed)
ongoing - 3

Consultancy: (Rs. 51,000/-), Godrej Tyson Foods Ltd.

Dr. Laxmi Ananthanarayan

Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : l.ananthanarayan[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2506

Reseach Area : Fermented foods, Traditional foods, nutritional food product development, extruded foods, food allergens, bioactive peptides, novel food preservation techniques, problems of small scale food industries, plant biochemistry and fruit ripening, natural pigments, protein purification, enzyme production and downstream processing, protein hydrolysates, detection of adulteration/ contamination, Food safety, nutritional biochemistry

Prof. Shalini S. Arya

Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : ss.arya[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2233612511

Reseach Area : Indian traditional foods, Chemistry and preservation of foods, Product development and processing, Cereals and cereal products, Starch chemistry and technology, Preservation of foods, Newer technologies in preservation of traditional foods.

Research students

Ph.D. (completed) – 6
Ph.D. (ongoing) – 4
Masters (completed) – 35
Masters (ongoing) – 23

Research publications

International- 96
International (this year)- 10
National- 15
Book Chapters- 04
Conference proceedings- 18
General Articles - 6

Sanctioned Projects:
Government: 05
Private: 13

Dr. Snehasis Chakraborty

Assistant Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : sc.chakraborty[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2233612513

Reseach Area : Food Process Engineering Nonthermal processing of food Kinetics modeling Shelf-life extension Sensory analysis Process optimization International Peer Reviewed Journal: 55 (36 as corresponding and 13 as first) || Book Chapters : 10 (8 as corresponding and 5 as first) || Textbook: 01 || Patent Applied : 02 || Conference Presentations: 22 || Google Scholar Citation: 1085 || h-index: 17 || i-10 index: 26 ||

Dr. Jyoti Sagar Gokhale

UGC Assistant Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2510

Reseach Area : Nutraceuticals; Biocatalysis; Chiral Technology; Waste management; Fermentation Technology; Biofuels; Thermal & Non-thermal processing of Foods; Green Technology

Dr. Nirali J. Dedhia

Assistant Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : nj.dedhia[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2525

Reseach Area : Food additives & ingredients, Food chemistry, carbohydrate and protein chemistry & technology, starch modification, food analysis techniques, new product development

Dr. Yogesh Shriniwas Gat

Assistant Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : ys.gat[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, Extrusion Processing, New Product Development, Traditional Foods, Cereal Processing


Assistant Professor, Food Engineering and Technology

Email ID : rb.waghmare[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2233612506

Reseach Area : Food Chemistry, Fruit and vegetable processing, Food quality, Food packaging, Waste management, Functional food, Food drying, Non thermal processing, Animal Products Processing and Preservation

Dr. J. T. Waghmare

Head of Department, Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2559

Reseach Area : Nutraceuticals, Application of surfactant, Cosmetics, Perfumery, Enzymology
Research Students Guided :
Phd :- 02
M. Tech. :– 35
Research Publications:-13

Prof. A. P. Pratap

Professor, Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2556

Reseach Area : Tribology of oils and fats, Lubricants, Additives and Speciality products, Biosurfactants
Research Students : Ph.D. (Tech.) - 09, Ph.D. (Sc) – 08 M.Tech. - 86
Research Publications: International- 76
National -18

Prof. Ravindra D. Kulkarni

Professor, Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology

Email ID : rd.kulkarni[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2551

Reseach Area : Chemical Modification of Fats; Oleochemicals & Surfactants; Biolubricants and Tribology; High Performance Paints; Surfactant Mediated Symthesis of Nanopigments; UV Cure Coatings; Paints; Perfumes, Waxes & Cosmetics; Reaction Engg. & Catalysis. Ph. D. Guidance: Awarded: 16, Thesis submitted-01, Ongoing: 06, PDF: 02, M. Tech- 60. Research Publications: International - 59, National -19, Reviews & proceedings - 04, Books & Monographs- 3+3. Patents: 02 Granted, 05 Filed. Conference Presentations: 66 (International) + 46(National)=112, Popular Sci. Talk: 14, articles: 03 Invited Talk (Conferences/ Refresher/ STTP): 55 (5 International + 50 National/ Regional)

Dr. Pintu K. Kundu

UGC Assistant Professor, Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology

Email ID : pk.kundu[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2035

Reseach Area : Stimuli-responsive Organic Molecules and Materials; Remote-controlled Organic Transformations; Photochromism / Molecular Switches; Functional Nano-structured Materials; Chemistry of Spiropyrans, Azobenzenes etc. Research Publications (International): 17

Dr. P R Nemade

Associate Professor, Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology

Email ID : pr.nemade[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 33612027

Reseach Area : Membranes, Waste Management, Carbon Nanomaterials , Sensors

Dr. C.S. Madankar

Assistant Professor, Oils, Oleochemicals and Surfactants Technology

Email ID : cs.madankar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Essential Oils, Bio-lubricants, Green processing of Oleochemicals, Biofuels, Surfactants and Detergents, Supercritical Fluids, Cosmetics Science.

Prof. V.N.Telvekar

Head of Department, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : • Invention of New Reactions and Reaction System • Design and Synthesis of Novel Bioactive Molecules using Computer Aided Drug Design • Total Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products • Process Development
Research Students: Ph.D. (Tech.) : 22, Ph.D.(Sc) : 04 M. Pharm : 02
Research Publications: International : 53
Sponsored Projects: Government- 03


Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : pd.amin[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2233612211

Reseach Area : • Exploration of Hot Melt Extrusion Technology in Innovative Drug Delivery System • Development and evaluation of Fixed Dose Combinations (TB & Malaria) • Evaluation of hydrocolloids for emulsification and release retarding properties • Improvisation Techniques for Manufacture and Evaluation of Solid Dosage Forms • Release modification designs for drug delivery system • Design and Fabrication of Pharma machinery (R&D Models) • Development and Evaluation of Cationic submicronic emulsions for Ophthalmic Drug Delivery • Development of Added Functionality Excipients
Research Students: Ph.D. (Tech.) - 11, M.Tech. -01 M.Pharm –01
Research Publications: International- 08
Number of Patents: Indian -applied 2
Sponsored Projects : Private- 03

Prof. Shreerang V. Joshi

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2201

Reseach Area : Total Synthesis of Natural Products and bio-active compounds, Process Chemistry of APIs and Intermediates.

Prof. G.U. Chaturbhuj

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : gu.chaturbhuj[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 1111

Reseach Area : Catalysis, Organic Chemistry, API synthesis and process chemistry

Dr. Hemchandra Keshav Chaudhari

Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : hk.chaudhari[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2215

Reseach Area : Design of Pharmacological active molecules by molecular modelling using the various drug design modules like Schrodingers/ MOE. Synthesis of design molecules by Conventional or greener method. Evaluation of synthesized molecules for suitable pharmacological activity.Process development for API and intermediates. Chemical transformation by novel methods.Impurities synthesis and screening for biological activity.1. Recognised guide for PhD Tech in Pharmaceutical Chemistry2. Recognised guide for PhD Science in Chemistry and Biochemistry


Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : ms.degani[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2213

Reseach Area : 1. Drug Discovery Chemistry a)Rational drug design including computer assisted design of potential anti-infective and other agents. (Techniques used include Homology modeling, molecular Docking, Pharmacophore mapping, QSAR, Molecular dynamics). b)Synthesis of small focused, compound libraries using classical and novel reactions and catalysts, multi-component reactions for hit and lead generation and optimization and their in vitro evaluation including enzyme based and whole cell based activity and toxicity. c) Our library of synthetic molecules (more than 600) is being screened by collaborators both in India and abroad for various biological activities including anti-infective (Tuberculosis, Filaria, Leishmaniasis), some CNS diseases and cancer targets. d)Exploration of plant based products including derivatised molecules for biological activity including anticancer, anti-infective and cytoprotective activities has been initiated in our laboratory. e)Isotopic Replacement of hydrogen by deuterium, at appropriate carbons, is being initiated, to improve metabolic stability of therapeutically useful molecules. 2.Process chemistry research a)Fluorine chemistry: This includes design of novel fluorinating agents which are economic, safe, stable and easy to handle, development of fluorination methods for Selective fluorination and catalysis and synthesis of 18F labeled ligands for PET scanning b)Use of Ionic Liquids (ILs) in synthesis and separation technologies: This includes design of ILs using computational approach and synthesis of library of tailored ILs. The applications include extraction of natural products, as catalysts & solvents in synthesis and for CO2 capture in industrial processes. c)Development of innovative processes for pharmaceuticals including drugs, intermediates and metabolites, using techniques such as Microwave assisted organic synthesis, continuous reactions (Flow chemistry), sonochemistry, parallel synthesis, newer catalysts and biocatalytic reactions. 8.Use of computational methods for formulation development Several biological and formulation related aspects are being studied by computational modeling.Examples are: a)Studies on absorption of organoferrous compounds using in silico methods: b)Taste masking of drugs 5. a. Total No. of Publications (peer reviewed) so far :79 b. Total No. of Patents : 08 c. Total No. Conference proceedings/papers : 78 d. Total No. of Seminars/Lectures/Orations delivered : 25 e. Total No. of Ph.D.s Awarded as single/ Co-Guide : 17 f. Total No. of Masters Awarded as single/ Co-Guide: 48 6. h-Index : 19 No. of Citations :726

Prof. P. V.Devarajan

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : pv.devarajan[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 1029

Reseach Area : • Engineering of nanoparticulate (polymer/lipid/gold) drug delivery systems for cancer and infectious diseases(tuberculosis) with specific focus on key issues including scale up and commercialization, and screening for new targeting ligands
• Non-invasive (nasal and sublingual) delivery systems for peptides, proteins and nucleic acids
• Surfactant based innovative selfassembled structures for drug delivery application.
• Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems(NDA and ANDA)
• Nano Diagnostics

Research Students :

RA - 01, Ph.D. (Tech.) - 16

Research Publications:
International - 08,
Peer-reviewed - 08
Conference proceedings - 33
Books (chapters)- 2


International – 1 (PCT) (applied)
Indian –2 (applied)

sponsored projects:
Government- 02,
Private- 06

Dr. Prajakta Dandekar Jain

UGC Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : pd.jain[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 33612221

Reseach Area : Polymeric nanocarriers for drug and gene delivery, development of preclinical cellular models for evaluating biopharmaceuticals, 3D cell models and tissue engineering
Research Students : PhD - 17, M.Tech. - 24
Research Publications: International- 76; Conference proceeding - 126; Books- 02
Sponsored Projects: Government- 15; Consultancy: 03

Prof. Prashant S. Kharkar

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : ps.kharkar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2225

Reseach Area : Design, Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and Preclinical Development of New Chemical Entities (NCEs) as Therapeutic Agents; Study of Biofilm-Forming and Quorum-Sensing Inhibitors in Gram-Negative Bacterial Pathogens; Discovery of Potential Antitubercular Agents Targeting MtbGuaB2; Discovery of Novel Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) Inhibitors; Computational Prediction of Toxicity Properties of Small Molecules; Development of Novel Fluorescent Probes for Biomedical Applications


Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : sd.ambavade[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2223

Reseach Area : Pharmacological evaluation of drugs acting on the central nervous system specifically, for memory enhancement, anti-Alzheimer's, antiepileptics, antidepressants, and antianxiety. Evaluation of the role of HDAC in CNS diseases and their pharmacotherapy. Development and evaluation of herbal-originated drugs for the treatment of CNS diseases and disorders, Gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, and anti-inflammatory activity.

Prof. K.S.Laddha

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : ks.laddha[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : • Technology for extraction and isolation of phytoconstituents: • Process development for Aloe vera gel, drink, juice, cosmetics, etc. • Standardization and stability of herbal drug products. • Technological development for the extraction of herbal drugs. • Utilization of herbal constituents as an intermediate for synthesis of useful • compounds. • Effect of plant growth regulator on medicinal plants. • Enhancement of gum output from trees.
Research Students : Ph.D. (Tech.) - 13, Ph.D.(Sc) - 1 M.Tech. - 02, M.Pharm– 04
Research Publications: National- 07 Peer-reviewed- 07 Books (chapters)- 06
Patents: Indian- 01 (applied)
Sponsored Projects : Government- 02 Private- 02

Prof. Vandana B. Patravale

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : vb.patravale[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 33612217

Reseach Area : Expertise in area of novel nanocarriers for cosmeceuticals and other pertinent areas of national relevance with major emphasis on malaria, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. Specific research interest include: 1. Nanotechnology based drug and gene delivery systems (lipid, polymeric, micellar nanocarriers, nanosuspensions, micro/nanoemulsions and self-micro/nano emulsifying systems) for bioavailability enhancement and/or targeting. 2. Vaccines and adjuvants 3. Nanodiagnostics 4. Tissue engineering and scaffolds 5. Medical devices viz. coronary stents, intrauterine devices etc. 6. Novel carriers for solubilization and formulation development thereof 7. New polymer and lipid conjugates, surfactant synthesis 8. Exploring potential of indigenous excipients 9. Modified release dosage forms for all routes of administration


Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : ss.sathaye[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2218

Reseach Area : 1.Development of new drug substances or dietary health supplements from herbal origin to treat 2.Certain CNS disorders like Epilepsy, Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s disease. 3.Evaluation of herbal drugs for their anti-diabetic activity and related complications. 4.PK-PD modeling and biodistribution studies. 5.Exploration of drug-herb interactions

Dr. Galvina Ritesh Pereira

Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : gr.pereira[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Natural products, extraction and isolation technology development and preparation of semisynthetic derivatives. Standardization of herbal formulations and Analytical method development. Nutraceutical product development Isolation of natural pigments Cosmeceutical product development

Prof. P.R. Vavia

Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : pr.vavia[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : • Cyclodextrins based drug delivery systems • Targeted Drug Delivery for Oncology • Gene Delivery Systems • Nanosponge based drug delivery systems • Bioencapsultion • Multiparticulte drug delivery system • Transdermal drug delivery systems • Protein and peptide drug delivery system • Lipid based colloidal formulations • Polymer synthesis for drug delivery • Modified release films • Liposome based Drug Delivery Systems • Melt Extrusion Technology • Oral liquid dosage forms • Techniques in solubilization
Research Students: Ph.D. (Tech.) – 14, M. Tech. - 2 M. Pharm-4
Research Publications: International- 23 Peer-reviewed-23 Books- 01
Patents : International - 01(PCT Application) Indian - 04(Published)
Sponsored Projects : Private- 04

Dr. Sathish Dyawanapelly

Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : sa.dyawanapelly[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2214

Reseach Area : (1). Design and Development of Novel Delivery Systems and Nanomedicine (Polymer, Lipid, and Metal Nanoparticles) for Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals, (2) Research and Development on Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Excipient, (3) Oral Delivery Systems, (4) Continuous synthesis of Nanomedicines

Dr. Nitin Dnyaneshwar Arote

Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : nd.arote[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2227

Reseach Area : API Process Development, Process Chemistry, Novel Methodologies, API Polymorphism

Dr. Vaibhavi Vijay Peshattiwar

Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology

Email ID : vv.peshattiwar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area :

Dr. Anagha Sabnis

Head of Department, Polymer & Surface Engineering

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2416

Reseach Area : Research interests: • Novel approached synthesis of Nano particles, • Resin Synthesis from renewable resources, • Water Borne Coatings, • Conductive coatings, • Anticorrosive coatings, • Electric Insulation Coatings
Research Students: M.Tech. 10 Sponsored Project: 02
Research Publications: International - 2 National - 0 Conference proceedings - 3

Prof. P. A. Mahanwar

Professor, Polymer & Surface Engineering

Email ID : pa.mahanwar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : • Synthesis and Characterization of specialty polymers for Controlled release, • Surface coatings, • nanocomposites, • Bionanocomposites, • Utilization of non conventional energy for polymerization, • Super Absorbents
Research Students : Ph.D.(Tech.) : 06 Ph.D.(Sci.) : 06 M.Tech. : 07

Prof. S. T. MHASKE

Professor- Head, Polymer & Surface Engineering

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2412

Reseach Area :

• Synthesis and Characterization of various Polymers and Resins from bioresources • Recycling and recovery of polymers
• Rheology of polymers • Development of Mineral Trioxide Aggregates (MTA) for dental application
• Development of Phase Change Material (PCM) and PCM containing polymers • Development of Thermoplastic vulcanizates and elastomers
• Novel approaches for the synthesis of Nano-particles • Sol-gel techniques
• Development of Nano-containers by Layer-by-Layer (LBL) assembly • Cellulose-based nanoparticles and whiskers
• Bio-Nanocomposites • Hot-melt adhesives
• Pressure-sensitive adhesives • Waterborne Coatings
• Insulating Varnishes • Conductive coatings
• Anticorrosive coatings • Flame-retardant coatings
• Self-healing coatings

Prof. R. N. Jagtap

Professor, Polymer & Surface Engineering

Email ID : rn.jagtap[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2415

Reseach Area : • Living Radical Polymerization for Tailor-made Polymers, • Nanomaterials and Nanocomposite, • Recycling of e-waste, • Antimicrobial Paints, • Heat reflective coatings, • Corrosion, • Eco friendly coating
Research Students: Ph.D.(Tech.) - 04 Ph.D.(Sci.) - 06 M.Tech. - 07
Research Publications: International - 04 National - 02 Peer-reviewed - 01 Conference proceeding - 02
Patents : Indian – 2 Sponsored projects: Government - 1 Private - 01

Dr. Vikrant Shertukde

Associate Professor, Polymer & Surface Engineering

Email ID : vv.shertukde[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Research Interests : • Nanocomposites, • Polymer blends & alloys, • Recycling of plastics, • Synthesis of specialty polymers, • Surface & interfacial energy studies in polymeric systems.
Research Students : Ph.D. (Tech.) - 01 Ph.D. (Sc) - 02 M.Tech. – 03
Research Publications: International - 13 National - 22 Peer-reviewed - 13 Conference proceedings - 07
Sponsored Projects: Government- 1 Private - 02

Dr. Dipak Vitthal Pinjari

Associate Professor, Polymer & Surface Engineering

Email ID : dv.pinjari[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2032

Reseach Area : Sustainable and Environmental Engineering, Process Intensification, Cavitation Engineering and Technology, Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Polymers, Sonochemistry, and Paints Technology, Research Students: Ph.D.: Ongoing - 06 Masters: Completed -07, Ongoing - 05 Research Publications: 51, Patents: 6, Conferences: 30, Seminar: 11, Citations:762, h-index:16, i10-index: 21 (as per Google Scholar)

Dr. Adarsh Rao

Assistant Professor, Polymer & Surface Engineering

Email ID : ar.rao[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2414

Reseach Area : • Bio-based and Biodegradable Polymers • Applications of Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization • Polymer Nanocomposites, • Nanocoatings, • Polymer blends and alloys.
Research Publications: International- 7 National - 5
Sponsored Projects: Private- 1

Dr. Aarti Purushottam More

Assistant Professor, Polymer & Surface Engineering

Email ID : ap.more[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2410

Reseach Area : Anticorrosive coating, Polymer Recycling, Polymer composites, biomaterials

Prof. Atul Chaskar

Head of Department, Chemistry

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2608

Reseach Area : Design and development of novel synthetic protocols for the synthesis of bioactive scaffolds, API and impurities. Multistep synthesis of bioactive molecules. Metal-free and metal-mediated synthesis of organic molecules. Green Chemistry. Molecular engineering for optoelectronics and photovoltaics. Development of chemo-sensors for explosive and heavy metal ion detection. Nanomedicine (Diagnostic and Theranostics) Drug delivery-sustained and targeted approach. Synthesis of nanomaterials and their applications in catalysis, material science, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Homogeneous and Heterogeneous catalysis

Prof. R.V. Jayaram

UGC Professor, Chemistry

Email ID : rv.jayram[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2607

Reseach Area : Heterogeneous catalysis in organic synthesis, application of green chemistry principles for process intensification, waste minimization and waste treatment, adsorption techniques for removal of water pollutants, photo catalysis and photo degradation of pollutants , synthesis and application of novel materials, surface and interfacial chemistry.
Research students:
Post doctoral - Completed -1, Ongoing -
Ph.D - Completed -19, Ongoing - 12
M.Sc - Completed - 12, Ongoing - 2
M.Tech - Completed - 11, Ongoing - 04
M.Sc. (By research) - Completed - 9, Ongoing -
Sponsored Projects: 03
Research Publications: 25 (2010- 2015)

Prof. B. M. Bhanage

Professor, Chemistry

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 2601

Reseach Area : • Homogeneous catalysis, Reaction kinetics and mechanism
• Preparation and Characterization of organometallic complexes
• Catalyst-product separation techniques in homogeneous catalysis such as biphasic catalysis, Supported liquid phase catalysis
• Ultrasound assisted organic reactions and catalysis
• C-C, C-N coupling reaction for organic synthesis.
• Microwave assisted organic reactions and catalysis
• Preparation and application of ionic liquids for organic synthesis
• Catalysis and reactions in supercritical carbon dioxide
• Carbon dioxide fixation into valuable chemicals
• Carbon mono-oxide fixation into valuable chemicals
• Hydroformylation for the synthesis of fine chemicals
• Polycarbonate synthesis via organometallic complexes
• Heterogeneous catalysis
• Biocatalysis - study of the behavior of hydrolases in organic solvents and neoteric solvents like ionic liquids, supercritical carbon dioxide.
• Synthesis of nanomaterials, exploration of nanomaterials as catalysts for organic synthesis.
• Green chemistry- Development of environmentally benign synthetic procedures for organic synthesis.
• Hydrogenation reactions for organic synthesis.
• Asymmetric catalysis for organic synthesis.
Detailed information about Prof. Bhanage and his research activities can be obtained from the URL mentioned below

Dr. A. R. Kapdi

UGC Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Email ID : ar.kapdi[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Palladium Catalysis- Homogeneous catalysis using palladium and nickel based complexes, C-H bond Functionalization of heterocycles; Green Chemistry approaches to synthesis; Microwave assisted organic reactions in aqueous media; Nucleoside modification and development of fluorescent and biological probes; palladium-based anticancer agents development.

Dr. Vijay Kumar A.

Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Email ID : v.kumar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2614

Reseach Area : Biomimetic Organic Synthesis, Natural Products synthesis, Green Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Enzyme Mimicks, Biosynthesis of Natural Products, Metabolomics Research Students: Ph.D - Ongoing - 04
M.Sc - Ongoing - 02

Dr. S. S. Tiwari

Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Email ID : ss.tiwari[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2618

Reseach Area : Mechanistic investigation of organic reactions, effect of reaction media on the selectivity and reactivity (with a special focus on aqueous systems), theory and mechanism of asymmetric amplification, interfacial reactions, “on water” chemistry, application of Raman microspectroscopy for space and time-resolved study of reactions in confined media, mechanism of amide hydrolysis in constrained molecules, kinetics and mechanism of protein aggregation

Dr. P. M. More

Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Email ID : pm.more[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 2605

Reseach Area : Heterogeneous Catalysis Ø Selective oxidation of hydrocarbon into valuable chemicals using a non-noble metal catalyst Ø Catalyst development for environmental applications Ø Vapor phase oxidation of organic compounds into valuable products (flow Chemistry) Ø Synthesis and development of active pharmaceutical ingredients and related impurities Ø Development of analysis method for industrial samples Ø CO oxidation and reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) into nitrogen present in the exhaust of stationary (e.g. Genset) and mobile sources (e. g. Car)

Dr. Rahul V. Pinjari

Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Email ID : rv.pinjari[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

Extention No. : 0

Reseach Area : Computational Chemistry, Host-guest chemistry, Organocatalyst for CO2 reduction, Hydrogen production, Reaction mechanism, Analytical method development,

Dr. R. R. Deshmukh

Head of Department, Physics

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 33612658

Reseach Area : Plasma Technology, Polymer Physics, Functionalization of nano-particles. Molecular tailoring of surfaces using plasma for biomedical applications, textile physics, Electro-optical properties of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals. Polymer nano composites materials.
Research Students: Ph.D.(Sc) - 09
Research Publications: International- 09 National- 01 Conference proceeding- 02 Books- 01 Chapter
Patents International - Indian -
Sponsored Projects: Government – 02 Private- 01

Dr. Mohan Narayan

Professor, Physics

Email ID : [email protected]

Extention No. : 33612651

Reseach Area :

  • Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
  • Statistical mechanics
  • Theoretical High Energy Physics
  • Research Students: Currently Working : Ph.D.(Sc) - 02
  • Research Publications:
  • International- 26
  • Dr. V. D. Deshpande

    Professor, Physics

    Email ID : vd.deshpande[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

    Extention No. : 2659

    Reseach Area : Structure property relationships of Polymer composites and nanocomposites, Crystalisation kinetics of Polymer / polymercomposites, evaluation of nanodrug delivery, improvement of solar efficiency in solar panels, Assesment of Colour and Colour backgrounds.
    Research Students : Ph.D. (Sc) - 05 (Ongoing) & 06 (Completed)
    Research Publications: International- 27 Conference proceeding- 47
    Sponsored Projects: Govt - 09
    Patents: National – 01

    Dr. Neetu Jha

    UGC Assistant Professor, Physics

    Email ID : nr.jha[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

    Extention No. : 33612663

    Reseach Area : Carbon Nanomaterials :- Carbon Nanotube, Carbon Nanocoil, Graphene Sheet
    Energy Application :- Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC), Supercapacitors, Nano fluids
    Biosensor :- Organophosphorous compound (Paraoxon) Detection using Amperometric
    Research Students: 6
    Masters: Ongoing :1
    Research Publications: 20
    Conferences and seminars : 12
    Citation : 515
    h-index : 10
    i-10 index : 11

    Dr. Ashwin Mohan

    Assistant Professor, Physics

    Email ID : as.mohan[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

    Extention No. : 2665

    Reseach Area : Materials Physics, thermal transport, magnetism, low temperature physics, low-dimensional quantum magnets, colour physics

    Dr. Archana S Kalekar

    Assistant Professor, Physics

    Email ID : as.kalekar[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

    Extention No. : 2664

    Reseach Area : Energy conversion: Solar cells, Photocatalysis. Energy storage: Supercapacitor, Batteries. Sensors: Gas Sensors, Light Sensors

    Dr. Paresh H. Salame

    Assistant Professor, Physics

    Email ID : ph.salame[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

    Extention No. : 2661

    Reseach Area : Sodium ion batteries, Supercapacitors, Multiferroics, Colossal Dielectric Materials

    Dr. Shraddha C. Shirbhate

    Assistant Professor, Physics

    Email ID : sc.shirbhate[@]ictmumbai.edu.in

    Extention No. : 0

    Reseach Area : SOFC Technology, Solid electrolyte(Oxy/ proton ion conductor), Development of Electrolyte Anode and Cathode Material for Fuel Cell, Polymer - double Perovskite composites for PEMFC, Defect chemistry in Solid Electrolyte, Double Perovskite Materials, Piezoelectric Materials