
Extended ID Deviation Detail Links
2.1 Number of students year-wise during last five years The list for this metric is very long, and a legible scanned copy of the certified list cannot be uploaded due to size restrictions. We have therefore uploaded the scanned copy which does not have good resolution. The original scanned copy is uploaded at Link
3.1 Number of courses in all programs year-wise during last five years The list for this metric is very long, and a legible scanned copy of the certified list cannot be uploaded due to size restrictions. We have therefore uploaded the scanned copy which does not have good resolution. The original scanned copy is uploaded at: Link
4.5 Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during last five years ( INR in Lakhs) HEI has provided below a link to the audited income-expenditure statement for all three campuses as the data cannot be uploaded due to its large size. The sum total of the expenditure (excluding salary) given in these statements is the HEI input in this metric. Link